Sisk Consulting specializes in building and supplying electronic control projects for industry. Using micro-controllers like the Basic Stamptm and Cubloctm, PLC's from Toshibatm and AutomationDirecttm and off-the-shelf parts we automate, collect data, and provide control features.
Quicktrol Operator interface - FREE!!!! Search stamptrol1 on YouTube

EnT-2 Controller - $ 149
We help our clients by working with them to get the very best:
- Industrial controllers based on embedded systems
- Custom controllers for specialized equipment
- Data Acquisition sytems based on dial-up, cabled or wireless links
- Proof of concept and beta testing of new products
- On-going training, repair and upgrading
Updated Jun 1 2012 All content copyright Sisk Consulting Inc; tm's belong to registered owners.